Visual studio emulator for android for mac

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In the Visual Studio toolbar, press the Start button to launch the app in your chosen Android emulator. In the Visual Studio toolbar, select the drop-down next to the Start button (the triangular button that resembles a Play button), select Android Emulator, and then select the emulator you'd like to deploy the app to: Wait for the project to be created, and its dependencies to be restored:

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In the Configure your new project window, name your project, choose a suitable location for it, and click the Create button: NET MAUI App template, and click the Next button: In the Create a new project window, select MAUI in the Project type drop-down, select the.

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Launch Visual Studio 2022, and in the start window click Create a new project to create a new project: NET MAUI app in Visual Studio 2022, and run it on an Android emulator: In this tutorial, you'll create your first. Get started with Visual Studio 2022 (Preview)

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For more information about creating an Android emulator, see Android emulator setup.